This is the notice. There is a formal and civil obligation to publish this public notice. This is a notice of formal
and agreed lien by way of resolution for the criminal offences of Fraud and Malfeasance in the office of
claimant of Mr Leo WESTON.
Public Notice
NOTICE that I, Baroness Christine of the House of Bessant [Lister], have an Affidavit of Obligation – Security by
way of a lien against, and therefore an interest in, the personal estate of Mr Leo WESTON in the position of
DIRECTOR for ORBIT CREDIT SERVICES LTD the amount of one hundred and five million pounds GBP.
Record location:
Thus, I hereby give public notice that I, Baroness Christine of the House of Bessant, (Lister) have an Affidavit of
Obligation -Security by way of a lien against Mr Leo WESTON in the office of claimant.
End of Notice